Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Sorry about the delay in posting. The network port in my studyhall is not working.
The microscope is a useful tool for the biologist. It is composed of many parts that help magnify an image so it can be observed. Select a microscope part, define it, and explain its use or significance. Do not repeat. If no parts remain, suggest an important safety rule for using the scope.


At September 13, 2005, Blogger Frank LaBanca, EdD said...

Sydney said...
Ocular Lense:
The ocular lense is used for looking through the lense to get a thorough observation of the slide that you are examining.

7:24 AM

Cait Coster said...
High Power Lense:
One of the two microscope lenses, also known as the yellow lense. Used to increase magnification to 430x.


7:25 AM

Diana said...
The Arm: Supports the tube and connects it to the base.

7:25 AM

Anonymous said...
Tina Said...

The Base:
The Base is used to support the microscope. It is at the bottom.

7:26 AM

Amy Purus said...
The Stage:

The stage is where the slide is put and can be moved up and down by using the two knobs on the side to enhance focus. It is the heart of the microscope! :)

7:28 AM

Bob said...
Low Power Lense:
The microscope lense that has the green color and magnifies to 100x.

7:28 AM

stephie villa said...
Stage Clips:
The stage clip is used to hold the slide in place while you observe the slide.

7:45 AM

At September 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lamp Switch:
Turns the microscope light which is used to illuminate the slide on and off.

At September 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Substage Lamp:
A steady light source and is used to reflect light from an external light source up through the bottom of the stage.

At September 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coarse adjustment: It's the knob that makes the microscope lenses close or further away from the slide that you're viewing.

-Casey Day

At September 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Electric Cord:
The electric cord is used to produce electricity in order to turn on the lamp switch which turns on the microscope.

At September 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

matt said...
Revolving nosepiece:
Allows you to switch between the high and low power lenses.

At September 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Body Tube/Optic Tube:
The body tube connects the ocular lense and the revolving nosepiece where the other lenses are located.

At September 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eye Piece-
You look through the lense on the eye piece to view the slide.

At September 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fine-Adjustment Knob: A knob on a microscope that adjusts to see a sharper, clearer, and more focused picture of what is under the lens of the microscope.


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