Friday, March 03, 2006

Isolation of DNA from fruit

Post an abstract describing the DNA isolation lab. Reference the rubric for information regarding content and quality.


At March 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The purpose of this experiment was to solve the problem, “What is the effect of the extraction solution on the plant cells of a given fruit?” The procedure used required the researcher to mix an extraction solution out of 100 ml of Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo, 15g of table salt and water. After the solution was mixed, the researcher had to put 6 pieces of a given fruit (in this individual case, apple) into a plastic bag. The extraction solution was added into the plastic bag and the bag was sealed. The researcher mashed the given fruit with the extraction solution thoroughly for about five minutes, and then cooled the fruit mixture in an ice bath for about a minute. This cycle was repeated three times. After this was done, the mixture was filtered through a coffee filter into a beaker. The excess was thrown away and the filtered mixture was put into a test tube. 4 ml of cold 95% ethanol was added to this tube, and the tube was turned. The results of this experiment were that the DNA in the fruit mixture clumped and was able to be extracted from the test tube. This showed that the salt in the extraction solution broke down the plant cell walls in the fruit and soap in the solution broke down the cytoplasm so DNA could be extracted and the cold ethanol allowed the DNA to clump. The ethanol needed to be cold because the cold would constrict the DNA and force clumping. Some applications of this experiment are that this method could be used to extract DNA from fruits for cloning in case of farming issues. Implications show that use of this experiment could be economically beneficial because if the DNA from this procedure was used to continue crops during a crop shortage, buyers would not be forced to buy crops from other, more expensive resources and would receive the same quality. There is confidence in the validity of this experiment because when individual results were compared to multiple classmates, the results were consistently the same.

At March 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This experiment was performed in order to isolate DNA from cells in living organisms, and physically see and be aware of it. Each group experimented with a different fruit, but this particular lab was done with the kiwi fruit. The kiwi was cut into tinier piece, and then peeled of its skin, in order to make it easier to mush. With the tiny pieces of kiwi in a plastic bag, it was first pressed on by hands in order to break down the cells. Then an extraction solution of soap and salt was placed in the bag with the kiwi, which made the kiwi become more like a liquid. Next, the kiwi was mashed more and then placed in an ice bath. The ice bath’s purpose was so that only the proteins could be affected. With heat, all the parts become affected, which makes it difficult to isolate DNA, so by freezing it, the DNA can be isolated better. This is repeated several times so that everything inside the bag is frozen and smashed completely. Then the smashed kiwi in the bag is filtered through a coffee filter into a beaker, so that only the DNA goes through. The filter filters out the larger cell parts, which allows the DNA to be completely isolated in the beaker. About 3-4 ml is dispensed into a test tube of the DNA from the kiwi, in order to allow the DNA to fall out of the solution. From then, the DNA can actually be handled, and given a closer look. This experiment really allows one to extract DNA from a living cell, like a kiwi. There is confidence in the results because the procedure is repeatable.

At March 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This lab was designed to extract DNA from a fruit by using chemicals. In this lab, students cut pieces of fruit into about 6 small pieces. There was a variety of fruits used throughout this lab. Some students used a banana, a grapefruit, grapes and kiwis. The kiwi was the most common fruit used. Each student took the cut fruit (in this case, kiwi) and mushed it in a closed zip lock bag with 100ml of Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo. Mashing the fruit broke down the kiwi and it was like a puree. After the kiwi was mushed, it was put in an ice cooler so that only the proteins are affected; otherwise the heat would affect them and speed them up. After the fruit was cooled several times, the fruit was dispensed into a coffee filter which was placed over a beaker and the mushed liquid kiwi so that the liquid DNA only seeped through the filter into the beaker. To speed up the process, students did use their hands and squeezed the filter so that the liquid went through the filter quicker. 2-3ml of the liquid were poured into a test tube, and while holding the test tube on an 85 degree angle, ¾ cold 96% ethanol alcohol was poured into the test tube so that it was layered over the kiwi. The test tube was rotated and as a result the DNA formed into a solid that felt like jelly. It was then possible to hold the DNA in ones hand. This experiment was successful in extracting DNA from a fruit using temperature and alcohol and shampoo.

At March 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The object of the Kiwi Fruit lab was to separate the fruit itself from the DNA cells that make it up. In order to do that the fruit was first mixed up and broken down in a water and soap solution. The fruit mixture was then cooled and “mushed” several times to further break down the solids and carbohydrates that hold together the individual cells. Filtering the juice and smaller cells from the solid fruit particle in a coffee filter further separated the DNA cells. In a test tube the mixture was combined with alcohol which isolated the items into three layers based on the rules of density: alcohol, DNA, the fruit juice and cells.

At March 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the purpose of the fruit experiment was to seperate the DNA from the fruit. we did this with a extraction solution that was made out of shampoo, salt, and water. we put 6 peices of apple into a plastic bag and added the solution. we then mushed up the apple with the solution and put it in an ice bath (still in the closed bag) to cool the fruit. then repeated this prosses two more times. then we put the mixture through a coffee filter and waited for the juice to seep through into a cup. then we put the stuff that was filtered through was put into a test tube and added alcohol then slowly turned the test tube until the DNA clumped was easy to find the DNA becasue it was in the middle layer, the rest of the cells were in the bottom of the tube and the alcohol was at the top.

At March 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The purpose of this experiment was to extract the DNA from a variety of fruits using an extractor solution which consisted of shampoo and water. To do the experiment, a fruit, an apple in this case, was cut into tiny 7 tiny pieces and then placed in a zip-up bag. The extractor solution was then added to the bag and after zip-locking the bag closed, we mushed the apple pieces for about 5 minutes. We then placed the bag in a box full of ice to cool it, then mushed again. After this, the mushed apple pieces were taken out of the bag and placed in a coffee filter bag that was placed over a beaker. The filter filtered out the DNA of the fruit leaving the large fruit pieces on top and dripping the DNA into the beaker. The DNA was then placed into a test tube and 4ml of 95% ethanol was added to the tube. We then rotated the tube until the DNA clumped up turning into a jelly type mixture. There were some DNA particles floating beneath the actual jelly mixture of DNA and above that was the alcohol. The experiment was successful and there is confidence in the results because everything was done to the procedure.

At March 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The point of this experiment was to figure out the effect of soap on a peice of fruit. To do this the reseachers will cut up 6 pieces of apple (other various fruits can also be used)and put them into a small plastic bag. Then the researcher adds soap to it, in this experiment a shampoo from Suave was used. Then the researcher will mush together the apple and the soap inside the bag for about 3-4 minutes. After that the researcher will put the bag in a bath of ice to cool it. These two steps were repeated 3 or 4 times. After that the reasearcher puts a coffee filter over a beaker and pours the mixter of mushed apple and soap onto the filter and into the beaker. This step is done very slowly. The purpose is to just get the juice of the apple/ soap and not the bigger pieces. After that the juice is poured into a test tube filled halfway with alcohol. The researcher then rotates the test tube to mix the two liquids together.

When I did this experiment it did not work. So, I'm not sure what was supposed to happen. If there was more time then the results would probally have come out more valid.

At March 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In this lab, we were to extract the DNA from the fruit (kiwi). We carried out this lab by cutting up six small pieces and then putting them in a ziplock bad, mushing them until we had a juice/mush/water like mixture. Then we cooled the mixture to a cooler point than it was at. We then added soap and salt this helped the kiwi become more water like. The cool bath was for the protein to be affected as well as the rest of the chemicals in the kiwi. The cooling and the mushing was a repetition, which made the mixture more liquid and water. Once the bag was ready, we then placed a coffee filter over a cup, and poured our water mixture onto the filter. This helped extract only the DNA and none of the other larger cells that could have gotten in the way of the expirament. Then the extract that is collected from the filter is the poured into a test tube which then later on added is 10 ml. of alcohol is poured into the rest of the test tube. The DNA and the alcohol are then what it looks like to be seperated from one another to see the difference and really obseve the DNA much closer. This lab allows you to extract DNAs from certain fruits and really good a closer look to it.

At March 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The purose of the kiwi lab was to find the amount of DNA in the fruit that was brought in. The fruit was sliced into smaller pieces then placed in a bag with soap and mashed together. After 5 minutes the bag had to be placed on top of ice and was cooled. When the bag was mixed together very well the juice from inside the bag was taken out and filtered through a coffee filter into a beaker. The juice was then placed into a test tube and mixed with 96% ethanol alcohol. The results showed that the DNA was able to be taken out of the fruit by the mashing of the fruit and mixture of soap. When the alcohol and DNA were together you could really see the DNA and alcohol were seperated from eachother.

At March 10, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The purpose of this experiment was to separate the fruit from its DNA cells. In order for this to happen the fruit was mixed and squished in a water and soap solution. Then the mixture was cooled and squished again several times so that the solids and carbohydrates that hold the individual cells together are broken down. The juice was then filtered coffee filter to further separat the DNA cells. Then the mixture was put into a test tube. Then alcohol was mixed in with the test tube giving it a different number of layers. Then it was possible to actually take out the mixture and examine it and compare data

At March 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The purpose of this lab was to separate the fruit from it’s DNA. In this lab, students used different kinds of fruits such as apples, bananas, grapes and kiwi. They were cut into pieces and placed into a Ziploc bag with a shampoo, salt and water solution. The shampoo in the solution was to break down the cell membrane on the cells of the fruit because since the membrane is a lipid, the soap is able to break it down. The salt was used to maintain homeostasis and the water was used to make the solution a liquid. Then, the fruit and solution were mashed together in the Ziploc bag and cooled in a cooler filled with ice. This was repeated a few times to break down the lipids of the cell membrane. A cooling process was used because it doesn’t affect the proteins where as heating the mixture would change the proteins and make then speed up. After it was cooled several times, it was then dispensed into a coffee filter on top of a beaker so that only the DNA would go through and not the rest of the fruit. 2-3 ml of the liquid that was collected in the beaker was placed into a test tube that was held on an 85° angle. Then alcohol was mixed into the test tube separating the DNA from the proteins. Some students were then able to take the DNA out of the test tube to examine it. These results are reasonable because most of the class got the same results no matter what fruit they used but some groups didn’t mash or ice the solution enough so they were not able to see the DNA of the fruit.

At March 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In this lab, the fruit was used as a model to show how DNA could be extracted from the fruit. The various fruits were then tested, by using shampoo, water and salt. The preferred fruit was placed into a plastic bag where the fruit was mashed into a liquid form, and then the extraction mixture was added to the bag. The bag was then placed in ice for about a minute. After the minute was up, the bag was taken out and the group members had to massage the fruit and mixture inside the bag. This process was repeated a few times by placing the bag inside the ice and taking it out a minute later. After this process, then the liquid form the bag was poured into a coffee filter and drained all the DNA juice into the bottom of a beaker. Next this liquid was poured into a test tube that was filled with ethanol, and was poured at an 85-degree angle. This separated the kiwi fruit from the DNA. When one rotated the test tube, they could truly see how the DNA was separated from the kiwi. This lab helped show how the fruit’s DNA could really be extracted and how one can learn from this experiment to test DNA in other items.

At March 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The purpose of this lab was to separate the fruits DNA from the fruit. There were many different kinds of fruits like grapes, kiwi, grapefruit, and others to see different kinds of DNA. The fruits were tested with a water, shampoo, and salt solution. First the fruits were cut up into small pieces and put into a plastic bag. Then the fruit was mushed with the water, shampoo, and salt solution until it was at a semi-liquid form. After, the bag was placed on ice to cool its contents for a few minutes, then it was to be mushed up again. This procedure happened a few times. Placing the bag of mushed fruit on the ice affects the lipids of the cells. After the cooling process, the contents of the plastic bag were put in a coffee filter placed on top of a beaker. The coffee filter was used so only the juice, and DNA, would get through into the beaker. It takes a lot of time, but the rest of the fruit can not get through to the beaker.
After the juice was collected in the beaker, some of the liquid was poured at an angle into a test tube that had alcohol in it. The alcohol helped separate the fruit from the DNA so it can be observed more easily. One could even get the DNA out of the test tube and observe it even closer and feel it. This lab showed that DNA can be separated from fruit and it let one observe what DNA really looks/feels like.

At March 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The purpose of this lab was to take DNA cells from the fruit out of the fruit itself. In order to do this the fruit had to be mixed up and squished in a solution that was made up of water and soap. Then we cooled and squished the mixture several times so that the solids and carbs that hold the individual cells together are broken down. The juice was then put through a coffee filter to separate the more solid or bigger chunks of fruit from the juice mixture. Then the mixture was put into a test tube and alcohol was added to the test tube very slowly at an angle giving it a different number of layers. One layer contained a large amount of DNA cells and the DNA cells sort of formed a ball which could be removed from the test tube and be examined and compared to other peoples' fruit DNA.

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